Computational Fluid Dynamics

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) refers to the numerical solution of the partial differential equations governing fluid flow. With modern computing resources, CFD can be used to obtain accurate predictions of flows over, or through, complex configurations at reduced cost. First, the problem domain is split into smaller volumes in a computational grid. Next, we use RavenCFD to solve the governing equations and determine flow pressures, temperatures, and velocities throughout the computational domain. Finally, and most importantly, the results are analyzed and actionable knowledge is derived from the CFD calculations. Corvid’s high performance computing

resources allow us to create computational grids and run CFD calculations quickly and cost-effectively on even the most complex problems.
Corvid personnel use and develop tools to improve the entire CFD analysis process, from problem setup to interpretation of results.
These tools include:
The RavenCFD flow solver, developed at Corvid for applications from low speeds to hypersonics
ANSA is Corvid’s primary CFD preprocessing tool. ANSA produces quality CFD grids at high speeds, allows for automatable grid generation, and has a direct RavenCFD export. Pointwise and ANSYS ICEM CFD software are used in specific use cases and for legacy grids
Established processes to generate high-quality grids rapidly (hours to days) on complex configurations
In-house post-processing tools to simplify the analysis of large 3D datasets and provide clear results
ParaView for dataset visualization and rendering