At Corvid Technologies, we use advanced numerical tools to solve large-scale structural dynamics problems. Our indigenous computing capability gives us the ability to run very large problems (>5 million degrees of freedom). We utilize sophisticated material models and advanced techniques, like mesh relaxation and material advection, to provide predictive analysis for highly complex problems. Our researchers are experienced in conducting target/weapon interaction tests in parallel with analysis using advanced numerical tools. This two-pronged approach allows true insight into structural dynamics phenomena, and the ability to intelligently interpret the results of numerical analysis.
The combination of our structural dynamics, shock physics and CFD capabilities makes us uniquely qualified to tackle difficult problems such as blast-structure interaction and structural response due to hypervelocity impacts. Such problems are truly “multi-physics problems” and involve highly disparate time scales.
Our structural mechanics tool set includes:
Explicit structural dynamics FEM codes such as DYNA3D and LS-DYNA
Mixed method Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) codes
Mesh generation tools such as ANSYS ICEM CFD
Post-processing using various tools such as FIELDVIEW
Finite Element Analysis (FEA) using in-house developed Velodyne